I don't, but I would like to...
... have one cover or postcard with post mark from each post office from Faroe Islands.
They are not so many, but without you will not be possible.
I'm waiting your feedback... and of course I will support the cost deliveries or I'll send you back some nice cover with stamps from Portugal.

Please e-mail me for details...

Monday, 29 December 2008

Músicos Perdidos / The Lost Musicians

Emissão dedicada a homenagear Andreas William Heinesen (15 January 1900 - 12 March 1991) e a sua novela ‘The Lost Musicians’.
William Heinesen, é originário da pequena cidade de Tórshavn, hoje capital das Ilhas Faroé, e esta, é sempre o centro da vasta obra literária, deste famoso escritor, pintor e compositor Faroês.
Música é o cerne deste livro. A devoção a ela, por parte de um grupo de músicos amadores, que formam o Boman Quartet, evita que uma série de acontecimentos dramáticos se transformem em tragédia desoladora. A música permite a cada um dos músicos, subir acima da sua própria situação desoladora. Mas não há humor, apenas e especialmente passagens satíricas, mais importante do que a vida, é o retrato dos locais e sectores, chefiada pelo gerente do banco Ankersen, quando procuram, em vão, quebrar o espírito dos músicos.

(English version)
Issue dedicated to honor William Heinesen Andreas (15 January 1900 / 12 March 1991) and his novel 'The Lost Musicians'. William Heinesen, is born in the small town of Tórshavn, Faroe Islands capital today, and this is always the center of the vast literary work of this Faroese most famous writer and also poet, painter and composer.

Music is at the heart of this book. The devotion to it of a group of amateur musicians forming the Boman Quartet prevents a series of dramatic events from turning into heart-rending tragedy. Music enables each of the musicians to rise above his own bleak situation. But there is humour, too, especially in the satirical, larger-than-life portrayal of the local sectarians, led by the bank manager Ankersen, as they seek in vain to break the spirit of the musicians.

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