I don't, but I would like to...
... have one cover or postcard with post mark from each post office from Faroe Islands.
They are not so many, but without you will not be possible.
I'm waiting your feedback... and of course I will support the cost deliveries or I'll send you back some nice cover with stamps from Portugal.

Please e-mail me for details...

Sunday 2 November 2008

Cruzes Antigas / Ancient Crosses

Por todas as Ilhas Faroé, são evidentes os vestígios deixados, pelos primeiros Cristãos. Na ilha de Skúvoy, foram descobertas, por arqueólogos, primitivas cruzes de madeira, do tempo dos Celtas e dos Romanos.
O simbolo cristão, por vezes, não passa de uma simples cruz de madeira, como a encontada numa antiga quinta Viking do século X, na aldeia de
Leirvík, na ilha de Eysturoy, durante escavações efectuadas entre 1982 e 1987.
Alguns séculos após, a presença da Igreja Romana, nas Ilhas Faroé, torna-se mais evidente. São exemplos, a cruz de procissão, da Igreja de
Kirkjubøar, na ilha de Streymoy, datada do século XIV. A cruz é feita de madeira revestida a folha de cobre.

A série com dois selos foi emitida em 22.09.2008.

550 oyru – Cruz de Procissão.
750 oyru – Cruz de madeira.

(english version)
For all the Faroe Islands, obvious traces left by early Christians can be found. On the island of
Skúvoy, were discovered by archeologists, primitive wooden crosses, the time of the Celts and the Romans.
The Christian symbol sometimes is nothing more than a simple cross of wood, such as found in an old Viking farm dated from the 10th Century, in the village of Leirvík, on the island of Eysturoy, during excavations carried out between 1982 and 1987.
A few centuries later, the presence of the Roman Church in Faroe Islands, it becomes more evident. Example of that is the processional cross from the Church of Kirkjubøar, on the island of Streymoy, dating from the fourteenth century. The cross is made of wood covered with copperplate.
The series with two stamps was issued on 22.09.2008.

550 oyru – Processional Cross.
750 oyru – Wooden Cross.

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