I don't, but I would like to...
... have one cover or postcard with post mark from each post office from Faroe Islands.
They are not so many, but without you will not be possible.
I'm waiting your feedback... and of course I will support the cost deliveries or I'll send you back some nice cover with stamps from Portugal.

Please e-mail me for details...

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Arte Faroesa / Faroese Art

Emissão evocativa dos trabalos de três artistas das Ilhas Faroe, falecidos ainda jovens, representando três gerações.

A série foi emitida em 03.06.1985.

(english version)
Stamp Issue evocative of the work of three artists of the Faroe Islands, also died young, representing three generations. The set of three was issued on 03.06.1985.

280 oyru - Thomas (Tommy) Arge: The Garden,
Hoyvík 1973, National Art Museum
450 oyru - Ruth Smith: Self-portrait 1952, National Art Museum
550 oyru - Steffan Danielsen: Winter day,
Nólsoy 1959, National Art Museum.

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