I don't, but I would like to...
... have one cover or postcard with post mark from each post office from Faroe Islands.
They are not so many, but without you will not be possible.
I'm waiting your feedback... and of course I will support the cost deliveries or I'll send you back some nice cover with stamps from Portugal.

Please e-mail me for details...

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Aviões / Aeroplanes

Emissão com a representação de aviões e helicóptero. A emissão da carteira com cinco selos de 300 oyru, ocorreu em 28.10.1985.

(english version)
Set of five stamps representing planes and helicopter. The booklet of five stamps of 300 oyru, occurred on 28.10.1985.

First stamp - Douglas DC-3 from the Faroese Airways 1964-1967.
Second stamp - Fokker F27 friendship of Iceland Air flying since 1983 to the Faroes.
Third stamp - Boeing 737 of Maersk Air with special configuration to the 1250 meter at airport Vágar.
Fourth stamp - Beechcraft of Bjarum fly 1963.
Fifth stamp - Bell 212 to ensure supply of remote places.

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