I don't, but I would like to...
... have one cover or postcard with post mark from each post office from Faroe Islands.
They are not so many, but without you will not be possible.
I'm waiting your feedback... and of course I will support the cost deliveries or I'll send you back some nice cover with stamps from Portugal.

Please e-mail me for details...

Monday 6 October 2008

Folclore Nórdico / Nordic House: National Costumes

Emissão comemorativa da abertura do Centro Cultural ‘The Nordic House in the Faroe’. A emissão representa os costumes nacionais das nove nações nórdicas (à data a Gronelândia e a Lapónia não possuiam bandeiras reconhecidas). A emissão composta por três selos da taxa de 250 oyru, ocorreu a 04.11.1983. Na mesma data, também foi emitida a primeira folha miniatura das Ilhas Faroe.

O primeiro selo representa a Gronelândia, a Suécia e a Islândia. O segundo selo representa a Lapónia, a Dinamarca e Aland. Finalmente, o terceiro selo representa a Noruega, as Ilhas Faroe e a Finlândia.

(english version)
Commemorative stamps of the “The Nordic House in the Faroe” Cultural Center opening. The issue represents the national costumes of the nine Nordic nations (the date to Sápmi and Greenland do not have flags recognized). The three 250 oyru stamps were issued on 04.11.1983. At the same date, it was also issued the first miniature sheet of Faroe Islands.

The first stamp represents the Greenland, Sweden and Iceland. The second stamp represents the Lapland, Denmark and Aland. Finally, the third stamp represents the Norway, the Faroe Islands and Finland.

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